Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Schindler's List Trailer (Best Picture 1993)

Speaking of Masterpieces, there is nothing else that I would say about this movie, just this a MASTERPIECE.


This movie is not the guns and the criminal that man like, it is not the gangsters and the theft that even though acknowledging that bad, everyone is still attracted to. This is the movie about love, the movie about the true friendship and about the mistakes that never can be neither forgiven or forgotten. This movie is about betrayal, poverty and things that one can never achieve, regrets that everyone has and dreams that are there to come true if you just try enough. The music is just unbelievable and at some things you can not help but cry or just old your breath. This film is full of this kind of moments and is the creation of the last century.

The Godfather Part II Trailer

And the introduction says it all, and this is the best sequel I have ever seen and which is nearly equal to the first part.

The Godfather: Trailer

I know that it's mostly the boys film and probably everyone's seen it, but there is no way for me not to mention it when I talk about the favorite movies and this definitely is the epic and an epic should always be mentioned. And if you lack the enjoyment of having seen this do fix that and you will see how the 1970's movie making could give you a thrill that you can never get from the films nowadays.


Even though I do not believe in the perfect film, but I do believe in film that does come that close to the emotional perfection as this. So I do officially state that there is something about that movie that makes me believe in the dialogues, in the emotions and in the reality that the film shares. Isn't it what we all expect from a movie? the relation? then is is the film that brings you back to the time when the movie brought a thrill an excitement and the feeling that as soon as you walked out of the theater that something had changed, that you met some new people and if we judge by this picture some amazing people as well. Morgan Freeman gives an amazing performance together with Tim Robbins, and overall it is a definite must watch and a watch that will give you hope.

Must see season for me

Here, I decided   with you the list of my favorite movies in the non particular order . Consider those as must sees recommended from me.